Motivation? In this economy?

A question I ask myself often! In the years following the lockdown, I have REALLY struggled to capture or even find the passion I once had for taking pictures. I was one of those people who took her camera everywhere. I was out nearly every single day, shooting everything I possibly could. For at least four years straight, I was out there clicking away.

But when there were international lockdowns and horrible anxiety over a disease that was killing millions, I sort of clammed up. I’ll admit to you that I was really scared of going out. I was terrified of catching this illness and dying, or spreading it to others who would die. It was really intense for me. I quite literally didn’t leave the garden where I lived for that whole summer. I distinctly remember the first time I went out for my one exercise a day; I did a skateboard ride around the town, and it felt so eerie. No one would even walk on the same side of the road as me. The connection was irreparably severed in my eyes.

So maybe that human connection that I felt had severed just hasn’t healed up yet? It all feels very dramatic, but I’ve heard from many people all over the world that they feel similarly. It’s almost a lethargy or ennui—a true indifference to many things that they once felt passion for.

Of course, we haven’t dealt with the collective trauma we all experienced and are still experiencing today. The world must go on, after all! We must go back to life as “normal” to keep society as it is. I totally get it and understand. But I think that ever-present anxiety is still very much in the ether. It’s kind of a part of us all now. So how does one adapt to the new “normal”?

I haven’t the foggiest! And I’m sure neither do you! But I think talking is the first step, right? If we name the boogeyman, then the boogeyman gets less scary. So I think naming and expressing my indifference or lack of passion is the first step! I still very much love and admire the world of photography, street photography specifically. I desperately want to continue my journey with the medium. I delight in sharing what I see with whomever is willing to follow along!

I guess I will end this with my promise of continuing through the uncomfortable moments. I encourage you to continue through yours as well. And maybe we can heal the severing together. Well, I hope so anyway :)

‘Til next time <3



Finding your creative spark a bit later…


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