The Sting of Rejection!
Rejection sucks. There's no other way to put it. It hits hard, and sometimes, it feels like it's targeting you personally. Recently, I felt this sting when I got turned down for a photography gig because my prices were too high for their budget. Ouch, right? It left me second-guessing myself and wondering if I’m really worth what I charge.
When that rejection email landed in my inbox, it felt like a punch to the gut. I had really hoped to land that job. My mind immediately went into overdrive: "Should I have lowered my price? Maybe I'm charging too much. Am I even good enough to charge these rates?" The doubts just wouldn't stop.
Dealing with rejection often brings out a nasty case of imposter syndrome. Suddenly, every doubt and fear you've ever had about your abilities comes rushing to the surface. For me, this rejection made me question my entire path. Who am I to charge these prices? What if I'm just not that good?
But here’s the thing: imposter syndrome is a liar. It's that nagging voice in your head that tells you you're not enough, even when you are. And we all face it at some point.
After some soul-searching, I realized that lowering my prices would affect the quality of my work. I pride myself on delivering top-notch service, and that requires time, effort, and resources. Cutting my prices would mean cutting corners, and that's just not something I'm willing to do.
Rejection can be a great teacher if you're willing to learn. For me, it was a lesson in understanding my value and sticking to my guns. Sure, not every client will have the budget for my services, but that’s okay. There are clients out there who will see the value in what I offer and be willing to pay for it.
Dealing with rejection is never easy, but it's a part of the journey. The key is to not let it define you. Use it as a stepping stone to better understand your worth and to stand firm in your convictions.
So, if you’re struggling with rejection remember, you’re not alone. We all face it, and it’s how we handle it that shapes our future. Stay true to yourself, know your worth, and don’t be afraid to say no to what doesn’t serve you. The right opportunities will come along, and when they do, you'll be ready.
Til next time…